NDT or nondestructive testing techniques are followed while examining the integrity of stainless steel pipelines. This is critical to assessment of the pipelines. A refinery operator was used for inspecting stainless steel pipelines which was critical to the plant operation. The pipelines had experienced unreasonable temperature cycling due to malfunction of valve within the piping loop. This could be a case study and also a case in point for the examination. This is important individually as well as being a reference point for future cases.
Managing the integrity of assets for plant operators is a difficult task. They have to keep in mind several aspects combining optimum asset performance with operational excellence. They have to remember to reduce costs and also maintain highest safety standard along with environmental standards. To determine the proper approach in achieving this, pipelines owners and operators must integrate and evaluate critical data gathered from different sources like pipeline route, inspections, operations, modifications, repairs, facilities and materials.
Stainless Steel Inspection Singapore is done by applying detailed knowledge of the degradation process of materials and also structural integrity. Generally an inspection is done in various steps. The steps include:
- Planning and selection of apt techniques
- Inspection action
- Evaluation of the inspection conclusion
The first step is important to identify the proper techniques. To begin with, the inspection of thermal cycling is done; operational data regarding the piping loop was evaluated from which the inspectors had detected quite a few damage potentials which may have compromised the integrity of the pipeline and its performance. This was particularly for temperature fluctuations. This fluctuation might have been caused from reduction in robustness and external pitting. It could also have been caused from cracking which resulted from fatigue or external stress.
The Inspection Activities
The inspection activities included:
- Established a schedule for NDT techniques based on flaw morphology and prior experience.
- Devise appropriate calibration pieces assisting NDT techniques to be used
- Use the techniques on a trial basis to finalize them
- Devise written NDT procedures
After the approval of these methods, mobilizing the essential tools was done to carry out NDT in presence of qualified inspector. Post the conduction of testing, reports are published on the results.
ECA was also done to determine the tolerable flaw size and compared against the detected cracks. ECA is founded on fracture mechanics principles to determine how much risk will be posed by the flaw size. ECA constitutes 3 important elements:
- Size of component and flaw
- Geometry
- material properties
All these things are kept in mind while testing the stainless steel pipeline. NDT is followed by the industries nowadays because it is less harmful and also extremely cost-effective. In fact, pipelines are often evaluated based on this technique because the results are accurate. Stainless steel can be evaluated using both the traditional as well as modern techniques. Depending on the company, they use the techniques.