Thursday, 9 March 2017

Corrosion Monitoring - Preserving the Critical Components of Industrial Objects

Corrosion Monitoring program is an effective part of NDT testing techniques. It is quite a popular monitoring system which is used to monitor critical components of industrial objects, assets, facilities and plants for signs of corrosion. For dependable operation, it is of immense importance to recognize the location, rate and underlying causes of corrosion. A corrosion identifying system identifies any sort of non-conforming alloy components as these are usually susceptible to increased level of corrosion. These can also provide relatively significant cause for catastrophic failure.

Corrosion Monitoring

This particular type of NDT Inspection technique in Malaysia can offer various benefits when integrated into preventive maintenance and the processes ingrained in safety management programs. Based on the accurate results provided by the program, informed decisions can be made by the management. Decisions not only regarding the remaining life of the manufactured product affected by corrosion but also regarding life extension strategies, prospective material selection and cost-effective techniques as an answer of corrosion issues and problems.

Activities Related to NDT Inspection

  • Identifying all critical components
  • identifying component alloy composition
  • Measuring the location and degree of corrosion
  • Predicting remaining life
  • Identifying failure system
  • Determining fitness for service condition
  • Inspection scheduling
  • Developing recommendations for redressal and rectifying issues
  • Developing Corrosion preventive strategies

Why Should Corrosion be Monitored?

Corrosion is a major issue in various industries, specifically in the petrochemical industry. Corrosion is one of the major serious decay mechanisms influencing the life and quality of equipment and assets of plants and refineries. If corrosion is not controlled, it can cause leaks and component failure inducing reduction in both the performance and reliability of significant equipment. In extreme cases, corrosion can lead to devastating failures that can be really expensive in terms of repair costs, environmental damage and potential harm to humans.

Methods for Monitoring Corrosion

There are a couple of mechanisms monitoring corrosion. It actually utilizes a large number measurement techniques the NDT techniques are the most cost-effective and widely applied testing techniques. The methods include:
  • Ultrasonic Testing
  • Radiographic Testing
  • Guided Wave Testing
  • Electromagnetic Testing

The selection of apt method as well as the detection and monitoring of corrosion needs knowledgeable and experienced personnel. Some techniques can be used online while others are used offline to provide the measurement. The measurements are highly sensitive as well.

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